ASL Orders for the Mayor. The battle of Normandy 1944 (Scotland the Brave I)
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ASL Orders for the Mayor. The battle of Normandy 1944 (Scotland the Brave I)

GAVRUS, 29 June 1944: B Company of the Argylls bore the brunt of the first assault made by 10th SS Hohenstaufen in Normandy. As waves of Panzer Grenadiers broke against the Argylls position, B company PIATs drove off the accompanying tanks. By evening, the enemy had infiltrated the sunken road behind B Company, driving a wedge between it and the rest of the battalion. The position of B Companys forward 11 Platoon became difficult, as it was engaged front and rear. Difficult, but not impossible, so long as ammunition held out. Captain Mackenzie, 2 i/c B Company, was leading 11 Platoon. Earlier in the afternoon, he used the platoon PIAT to drive off three enemy tanks that were manoeuvring along the hedges north of the Bougy road. By evening, he and his Platoon had been given up for lost. But just before sunset, he led the fourteen survivors of 11 Platoon back into the Battalion perimeter. He had only withdrawn from the fight when his 2 inch mortar had taken a direct hit and the platoon had no rifle ammunition left. He brought out all but his most seriously wounded. Mackenzies gallant stand won him a Military Cross.

Many years ago military historian par excellence Ian Daglish joined CH to launch the first in a string of historical modules created by onsite research. What followed was a successful career as a military history book author, penning titles including Operation Bluecoat and others for Pen & Sword. Before his research went into books focused on the British experience during the Battle of Normandy, Ians work was brought to the fore in the form of two modules known as Scotland the Brave I and II. These publications have long been slated for new editions and the time is finally here, NOW, in the form of ORDERS FOR THE MAJOR and SHOUT FOR PIATS.

Times have changed, art has changed, and we continue to strive to create the most eye-pleasing tactical-level game cartography and color counters to provide you with an interesting and evocative experience. Both of those elements make the ORDERS FOR THE MAJOR equal to a brand new approach, with color die-cut counters, maps that simply DEFEAT the earlier versions on every level, and more. More as in scenarios using the new and popular layout plus optional scenario OOB tweaks that pop the action in tournament-sized actions ... to meatier versions. The product stays true to design Daglish, and the new OOB changes are provided as additional content for those that want to boost the octane and push the redline ... and up the Panzer count ... in their gaming.

The new counters include more Tommy Atkins (i.e., British nationality MMC/SMC/SW), an all new set of Waffen SS in yet another one of their camo patterns (never before published), PLUS AFVs and Guns in Normandy camo.

Clarification: The back cover says 15 scenarios for OFM and SFPthe two products contain 20 scenarios between the 2 of them (treat Crossing Sweepers as #10).