Los juegos Pendientes de Edición son juegos que están en proceso de Edición por parte del Editor, la fecha de disponibilidad es aproximada y el precio reflejado no es definitivo y puede variar. La reserva de un juego Pendiente de Edición se realiza sin ningún tipo de compromiso. Cuando el juego tenga definida la fecha y el precio pasará a Precompra. Si realizas la reserva de un juego Pendiente de Edición en cuanto el juego pase a Precompra se te avisará y podrás si lo deseas adquirirlo en con carácter previo a su lanzamiento en condiciones ventajosas.
(GTS) Operation Mercury (Grand Tactical Series)
Early in the morning on 20 May 1941, as 30,000 Commonwealth soldiers on Crete were finishing breakfast, hundreds of German transport aircraftsome towing glidersrumbled over the Mediterranean island. ... Leer más
(GTS) The Devils Cauldron (Edition 2024)
Devils Cauldron. La Operacin Market-Garden Un puente demasiado lejano es reconocida como una de las batallas que definieron la 2 Guerra Mundial en el Oeste. The Devils Cauldron es el primero de una ... Leer más
A Hot Dry Season
A Hot Dry Season: Operation Attleboro in War Zone C (AHDS) is an operational-level game dealing with the National Liberation Front (NLF) Dry Season Offensive in the III Corps Tactical Zone (III CTZ) in November 1966 and the ... Leer más
Abyss of Lament
Abyss of Lament is a tactical game about six major battles between Frederick the Greats Prussia and Maria Theresas Austria in the Seven Years War (1756-1763).
The game:
The rules are of low complexity and aim ... Leer más
Air & Armor: Operational Armored Warfare In Europe Designer Signature Edition
Air & Armor: Operational Armored Warfare in Europe, Designer Signature Edition marks the return of one of the most highly rated wargames on modern wa ... Leer más
Ars Bellum
Ars Bellum is a low complexity game that allows players to recreate a wide range of battles throughout Antiquity. The game emphasizes playability without sacrificing historical flavor (order of battle, commanders, units with spec ... Leer más
ASL Module Armies of Oblivion 2023 Reprint
This printing of Armies of Oblivion will be identical to the previous (2018) printing, but will include an updated set of replacement ASL Rule Book Chapter A rules pages reflecting the current versions ... Leer más
ASL Winter Offensive 2023 Bonus Pack 14
ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #14 (2023) features three new scenario designs by Pete Shelling and two new boards (89/90); MMP has an ulterior motive, however, for the manufacture and sale of this pa ... Leer más
ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #15 (2024) incluye cuatro nuevos diseos de escenarios (dos de Pete Shelling, uno de Kevin Meyer y uno de Tom Morin) y tres nuevos tableros Deluxe ASL (p/q/r). Sin embargo, MMP tiene un motivo oculto para la fabr ... Leer más
B-26: The Marauder Strikes!
The B-26 has arrived in the European Theater of Operations. It has now joined the B-17, B-24 and the Lancaster over the skies of war torn Europe...
B-26: The Marauder Strikes! is a solitaire game set on-board ... Leer más
Barbarossa: Army Group North, 1941 (2nd Edition)
On June 22nd, 1941, Army Group North, the smallest of the three German army groups, drives forward into the Baltic states. Its objective is Leningrad. Once the crown jewel of Czarist Russia, Leningra ... Leer más
Barbarossa: Army Group South, 1941, 2nd Edition
2nd Edition Note: For the 2nd Edition, All internal components will receive the same full color treatment that we presented in Barbarossa: Crimea. We will also be adding naval rules, two new 11 ... Leer más
Battle Hymn: Volume Two Shiloh And Bentonville
Battle Hymn: Volume Two Shiloh And Bentonville is the long-anticipated sequel game release to Volume One and includes two complete games: Shiloh and Bentonville. Battle Hymn ... Leer más
Breaking the Chains 2.0
Breaking the Chains (BTC) simulates a hypothetical, albeit very plausible, future military conflict over the South and East China Seas around the year 2020. This new 2.0 edition features a MOUNTED map, upgraded count ... Leer más
Brief Border Wars 2
Brief Border Wars 2 is the second set of four small operational level games on short border conflicts from Compass Games. The game system uses a card-driven system first introduced in Brief Border Wars that models the ch ... Leer más
Carrier Battle: Philippine Sea
Carrier Battle: Philippine Sea is a solitaire simulation of the largest carrier battle in history, fought during the invasion of Saipan (June, 1944). As the U.S. commander, you maneuver you ... Leer más
Chivalry at Bay
"As God may help, it appears to me that all the flower and honor of chivalry is there, most wisely and expertly drawn up.
-- John Chandos, before the Battle of Auray (29 September 1364)
The Hundred Years War (1337 ... Leer más
Command & Colors: Tricorne Expansion 1 The French & more
By design, Commands & Colors Tricorne - The American Revolution is not overly complex. The game is based on the highly successful Commands & Colors game system, where the Command cards ... Leer más
29,75 € - 10% = 26,75 €



Commands & Colours Ancients: Expansion 5: Epic Ancients II (2nd Printing)
Las reglas Command & Colours: Epic Ancient II han sufrido una pequea modificacin para aumentar la implicacin de los jugadores, ofreciendo una mayor profundidad al juego si ... Leer más
60 € - 15% = 50,95 €



Commands & Colors Ancients Expansion 6: The Spartan Army (3rd Printing)
El Ejrcito espartano es la sexta expansin para el sistema Commands & Colors: Ancient
The Spartan Army incluye ms de 20 escenarios que abarcan un perodo de tiempo de 669 ... Leer más
60 € - 15% = 50,95 €



Commands & Colors Ancients COMBO Expansions 2 and 3 2nd Printing (2nd Printing)
Commands & Colors Ancients Expansion 2: Rome & the Barbarians
Commands & Colors Ancients Expansion 3: The Roman Civil Wars
Esta edicin COMBO incluye todo lo q ... Leer más
Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising
By design, Jacobite Rising is not overly complex. In a battle scenario, two players will command either the Jacobite forces or the units of the Government army. There are 13 battle scenar ... Leer más
Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution
Commands & Colors Tricorne - The American Revolution is not overly complex. The game is based on the highly successful Commands & Colors game system, where the Command cards drive movement while c ... Leer más
CORREGIDOR is played in successive game turns composed of alternate player turns during which the phasing player maneuvers his units and resolves combat in sequence. Turns consist of the Administrative Phases (reinforcement arriv ... Leer más
Crown & Crescent
My sentiments for the American Causehave never changed. I am still of the opinion that it is the cause of Liberty -- Christopher Gadsden
The American victory at Saratoga in 1777 and their Treaty with France ... Leer más
Cuba Libre Calixto Bot Update Pack
We are not savages ignoring the rules of civilized warfare. We are a poor, ragged army as ragged and poor as was the army of your forefathers in their noble war for independence, but like the heroes of Sara ... Leer más
Desert Blitzkrieg: Rommels North African Campaign
Desert Blitzkrieg is a two-player game covering the North African desert from April 1941 to December 1942. Units are regimental level and Divisional Integrity is key to maximizing the densi ... Leer más
Dog Boats: Battle of the Narrow Seas
Dog Boats: Battle of the Narrow Seas is a solitaire, tactical-level, narrative-driven wargame. You, as Commander, will lead a squadron of 4 Royal Navy gunboats or torpedo boats on night missions against ... Leer más
Eastern Front Operational Battles Quad
Eastern Front Operational Battles use the same basic rule set in all four games as one would expect in a quad game. The rules are accessible and straight forward for playability, and at th ... Leer más
Engage & Destroy
Engage & Destroy is a simulation game of tactical armored warfare in World War II, 1939 to 1945. Underlying Engage & Destroy is a comprehensive set of models that generates the game data for each of the ... Leer más