Los resultados muestran por defecto los productos actualmente en stock, pero tenemos un gran catálogo de juegos que también están disponibles.
ASL Action Pack #5 - East Front. Nuevo pack especial de escenarios para ASL. Est centrado en batallas del Frente Oriental. Los escenarios representan acciones desde la Operacin Barbarroja hasta el amargo final de 1945 con tres nuevos mapas geomrfic ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 6: A Decade of War.
Este nuevo Action Pack para ASL es el fruto de la colaboracin de 3 importantes figuras del mundo ASL desde los tiempos de Avalon Hill. ASL Action Pack 6: Decade of War incluye tres nuevos tableros y diez nuevos ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 7. Sptimo nmero de la popular serie de Action Packs oficiales para Advanced Squad Leader.
Este nuevo volumen incluye tres nuevos mapas geomorficos (60, 61 y 62), ademas de 10 nuevos escenarios que los usan. Lista de escenarios:
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ASL Action Pack 8.
Roads Through Rome, the eighth action pack for Advanced Squad Leader, focuses on the war in the Mediterranean and the Allied drive through Rome and up the Italian peninsula. From the first engagement of American and German armo ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 9: To The Bridge!
TO THE BRIDGE!, the ninth action pack for Advanced Squad Leader, focuses on the 1942 Japanese invasion of Burma and the crushing Allied defeat and retreat to India. Beginning with the December 1941 invasion of Th ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 10
Action Pack #10 features two new 8" x 22" maps (board 69 and board 70) of largely open countryside with a small village, and 8 scenarios which use them.
Best Think Again (Russians vs Germans, June 1941, Saudinikai, Russia) ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 11: 29 Lets Go!
The 29th Infantry Division was a National Guard division filled out by draftees, mostly from Maryland and Virginia. Its three infantry regiments traced their roots back to before the American War of Independence and ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 12: Oktoberfest XXX
Action Pack #12: ASL Oktoberfest XXX is a celebration of the 30th running of ASL Oktoberfest in Greater Cleveland, Ohio. The pack spans the globe and nearly 13 years of small unit actions surrounding the World Wa ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 13: Oktoberfest XXXII
The ASLOK XXXII pack builds on the success of the ASL Oktoberfest XXX pack, and highlights the design and playtesting talents of Ohios finest. Guided by veteran playtesters and tournament directors Bret Hildeb ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 14: Oktoberfest XXXIV
Following on the success of the two previous ASL Oktoberfest packs, ASLOK XXXIV takes a deep dive into the battles in France throughout Normandy and Brittany in the late spring and summer of 1944. From D-Day to ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 15: Swedish Volunteers
Action Pack #15: Swedish Volunteers is MMPs production of the original Swedish Volunteers scenario pack by Martin Svrd and Erik Leander. Technically neutral during WWII, Sweden still off ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 16: From the Land Down Under
Action Pack #16: From The Land Down Under features a new map (15a/b) and 15 new scenarios designed and playtested by the Australian ASL community. Spearheaded by Andrew Rogers (Hatte ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 17: Oktoberfest XXXV
These 16 scenarios tell the story of First Team across two different wars, but they describe more than just the combat results. The First Team were fighting men, and these scenarios showcase ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 18: Oktoberfest XXXVII
This Action Pack marks Multi-Man Publishings fifth collaboration with ASL Oktoberfest tournament director Bret Hildebran and his gang of Ohioans to produce a new map-and-scenario pack for release in conjuncti ... Leer más
ASL Action Pack 19: Roads to Rangoon
ROADS TO RANGOON, the 19th action pack for Advanced Squad Leader, follows up ACTION PACK #9 TO THE BRIDGE! with more action in Burma between Japanese (and allied Burmese Independence Army troops) and British C ... Leer más
ASL Arnhem 2024
ASL Arnhem 2024 is a scenario pack that features four new scenarios covering actions between British and German forces around Arnhem during Operation MARKET GARDEN in September 1944. ASL Arnhem 2024 will be released at the Arnhem AS ... Leer más
ASL Deluxe ASL Redux
Deluxe ASL Redux is a map-and-scenario pack based on the boards and scenarios from Streets of Fire and Hedgerow Hell.
It will include :
all eight original Deluxe ASL maps (a-h), repainted by Charlie Kibler and fini ... Leer más
ASL Historical Module Festung Budapest
The Siege of Budapest, 1945 With the issuance of Order Number 11 on 1 December 1944 declaring Budapest to be a fortress city, Hitler effectively sealed the fate of 70,000 defending Axis troops and approxim ... Leer más
ASL Historical Module Hatten in Flames
In late December 1944, the American 7th Army was overextended throughout the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, covering for units drawn northwards towards the vicious fighting around Bastogne. Se ... Leer más
ASL Historical Module Pegasus Bridge. Unos minutos despus de la medianoche del 6 de Junio de 1944, la compaa glider-borne D, la segunda Oxfordshire y la infantera ligera de Buckinghamshire capturan un puente clave sobre el canal de Caen en Normand ... Leer más
ASL Historical Module Red Factories
In 1990 Avalon Hill released the first Historical ASL (HASL) module, RED BARRICADES. Charlie Kiblers groundbreaking design covered the battle for Stalingrad around the Krasny Barrikady (or RED BARRICADE ... Leer más
ASL Historical Module Sword and Fire: Manila
Sword and Fire: Manila is a Historical Advanced Squad Leader (HASL) module covering the month-long American effort to wrest control of "The Pearl" from the Japanese. Arrayed against ... Leer más
ASL Historical Module Valor of the Guards
Valor of the Guards. Esperadsimo Mdulo Histrico para Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) que ha llevado varios aos de diseo y pruebas. Nos lleva a la defensa de la 13 Divisin de Guardias de Rodmistev en lo ... Leer más
ASL Historical Module: Drop Zone Saint-Mre-glise
Operation OVERLORD was the historic invasion of the European continent and the beginning of the battle to breach the impenetrable Atlantic Wall. Drop Zone: Sainte-Mre-glise is the opening act t ... Leer más
ASL Historical Study 1: Guadalcanal: Operation Watchtower
Nuevo mdulo que inicia una serie de estudios histricos para ASL (bsicamente, mdulos histricos que adems tienen escenarios para jugar sobre los tableros estndar). Terribles escenarios ... Leer más
ASL Map Bundle (Starter Kit Style)
These are maps (1-52 from ASL, t-z from ASL Starter Kits #1-#3) of 8"x22" geomorphic mapboards for use with Advanced Squad Leader.
These maps are printed on the same material as starter kit maps. They are not p ... Leer más
ASL Module Armies of Oblivion 2023 Reprint
This printing of Armies of Oblivion will be identical to the previous (2018) printing, but will include an updated set of replacement ASL Rule Book Chapter A rules pages reflecting the current versions ... Leer más
ASL Module Beyond Valor (3rd Edition). Beyond Valor es el primero y el ms importante de los mdulos de Advanced Squad Leader.
Beyond Valor contiene las rdenes de batalla alemanas y rusas de 1939-1945 as como tres tipos diferentes de escuadrilla ... Leer más
ASL Module Croix de Guerre Second Edition
CROIX DE GUERRE brings the French order of battle back into print and adds DINANT: ROMMEL AT THE MEUSE, the brand new Historical ASL campaign on the crossing of the Meuse in May 1940. In addition to the ori ... Leer más
ASL Module Doomed Battalions (4th Edition)
DOOMED BATTALIONS is the Allied Minors Extension to the ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER Game System. This new Fourth Edition (DB4) expands on the Third (which itself included THE LAST HURRAH and eight other scenario ... Leer más